Firmware modification tools for Onewheel

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Firmware Modifications for your Onewheel by / Nishanth Samala
Firmware Modifications for your Onewheel
by / Nishanth Samala

What is this Onewheel Firmware Hack?

Basically you can access the Factory Mode of your Onewheel when connecting via bluetooth and nRF app or website and writing commands to your fm controller firmware to calibrate your hall effect sensors, tilt or BMS / Battery pairing.

  1. Level out your WTFs or any other Rails digitally to use MISSION without custom shaping and calibrate your FM controller without the need of a „hardware“ tilt kit. You can also recalibrate boards with a bad IMU calibration coming directly from the factory.
  2. Pairing different batteries and versions of BMS in your board
  3. Downgrade or Upgrade the firmware on your Onewheel XR
  4. XR-mode on PINT X
  5. Onewheel GT bricking („Corrupt Memory“) is solved when replacing your battery
  6. Works for all FM Boards (Plus, XR, Pint, PintX, GT) except the V1.

Tools you need

Firmware Modifications for your Onewheel by / Nishanth Samala

Connect with a browser or app (android / iOS) via Bluetooth to your onewheel turn it into Factory Mode and write short codes to your firmware using nRF connect.

Follow the instructions on reddit below

Onewheel Firmware Backup + Patching using Rewheel

Rewheel: Onewheel Firmware Updates (and Downgrades)

Fixing Onewheel GT „Corrupt Memory“ using Factory Mode

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